The one bummer about bibs? Harder to disrobe when you have to go. We have solved that problem with an easy-to-use hatchback.

Our team has been asking for a mountain bike bib chammy for a while now. This is the liner short you wear for cushion in the saddle but in over-the-shoulder bib form. So this year, we introduced the men’s Cru Bib Short and the women’s Cru Bib Short, made from sleek Italian fabrics and with enough lightweight padding for hours in the saddle.
The benefits of bibs on your bike are many. They’re more comfortable, with less restriction around the midsection. They offer ample coverage in the back, even when you’re leaning over your handlebars. And even though it’s a bit more fabric than a standard short liner, overheating isn’t an issue, since they’re highly ventilated and use as minimal material as possible.

But here’s the catch: When you’re wearing traditional bibs, going to the bathroom can be a little tricker. Typically, you’ve got to take off your shirt or jersey, remove the suspender straps, then pull down the shorts. A full disrobing, if you will, and that’s never ideal. So, our designers set out to solve this little problem with our Nature Calls system, inspired by our wintertime bibs, which also have an easy exit strategy. (Our women’s Foxy Bibs, after all, have been named amongst the best “Women’s Ski Bibs That Make Pee Breaks Easier.”)

Here’s how it works. The back panel on the bibs is detached from the shorts and the fabric has enough stretch that you can pull the shorts from the waist down when needed without having to remove the upper suspender straps. In other words, no need to undress fully just to use the loo. It’s a quick pull down and go and situation.
It’ll make more sense once you have these on, we promise. But the point is: If you want the comfort and freedom of movement of bibs while on your bike, you no longer have to endure awkward nature breaks. You can now wear your bibs and go with ease. You’re welcome.