[caption id="attachment_5131" align="aligncenter" width="511"]
Photo by Amie Engerbretson[/caption]
Ask any skier and they'll tell you: Being a skier also means being a driver, a co-pilot, a traveler of the road. It's not always snowing where you live (or perhaps it never snows where you live), which means you've got to do as the migratory generations before us have done and hit the road. Sometimes, that means just an hour drive to the nearest ski hill. Other times, that means 15 hours in blizzard along a sketchy highway to reach some remote mountain locale or hours of cramped leg room on a trans-continental flight to a foreign land. Sometimes you strike it rich and land in your destination right as the storm is hitting, ensuring endless powder days. But sometimes, luck fails you, and the conditions are even worse than they were at home. It's all a part of being a skier.
Flylow athlete Amie Engerbretson summed this idea up nicely in a recent blog post, titled "Road Warrior.""I saw a lot of road this winter; 11,285 miles to be exact," she writes. "This road took me up, down and all around. I saw new places, familiar places and some places so much, I thought I lived there. My Subaru became my home, therapist and gallant steed that took me anywhere NOAA said a storm was hitting. And like winter road trips do, eventually led me to summer."
