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Coming Soon: Westward Season 3

Westward Season 3 Trailer from Flylow Gear on Vimeo.

In this season of Westward, we follow the paths of people carving their own niche of personal, professional, and creative balance. We go to their homes, their RVs, their ski-tuning benches to see what brought them into the mountains in the first place, and how they figured out a way to stay. While others migrate in and out of ski towns, these individuals are hard-wired to never give up, no matter how many reasons they have to walk away. Now in season three of Flylow s Westward video series, produced by KGB Productions, we set our sights on Colorado, to a collection of people who ve chartered unique paths to unordinary lives. People who climb and ski mountains not just because it s fun, but because it s in their blood, it s a part of them. And giving up skiing would mean giving up a part of themselves. In season three, you ll head into the studio of Ski Magazine photo editor Keri Bascetta, who grew up on the slopes of Vermont and now helps put iconic ski images into print. You ll press skis alongside Mike Waesche, a former firefighter who dreamed up the idea for a handmade ski company called Rocky Mountain Underground and started building skis in his garage. You ll study weather models with Joel Gratz, a Pennsylvania-bred meteorologist who launched a weather forecasting site that would change the way skiers get their weather predictions. And you ll rip laps on Loveland s Chair 1 with the fun-loving trio of Eben Mond, Doug Evans, and Mark Morris, arguably the hardest- charging skiers in Colorado who shred at one of the state s most underrated ski hills. These folks have chosen lives amongst snow-drenched mountains, lives of their own creations. As skiers, they ve not only endured the storms, but they ve chased them down.