What's not to love about a good comeback story? A real revival of sorts, a rising from the ashes. That's the story behind our upcoming Revival Pom, due out next fall. The hat commemorates ski areas of yesteryear, like Colorado's now defunct Berthoud Pass, New York's extinct Brodie Mountain, and Nevada's Slide Mountain, which is now part of the Mount Rose ski area but used to be its own separate hill once upon a time.
Outside Online recently featured the
Revival Pom in a roundup of winter's best hats, a collection that also includes a leather-and-lamb-fur pilot cap, a wool fedora, and a corduroy driving cap handmade in Tennessee in other words, we're in good company.
Need a hat right now? We've got plenty of caps from beanies to trucker hats available right this very second. You'll have to wait till our new fall line to don the Revival Pom. But like all good revivals, it'll be worth the wait.