

In Season
Mighty Super D Mitten
A shred-ready gauntlet mitten designed specifically for kid-sized hands.
We know some kid shredders who only wear gauntlet gloves (something about avoiding bunched up fabric at the wrists...), so we created the Mighty Super D for them. The mitten—modeled after our premium adult models but designed for kid-sized hands—is easy to get on/off and it keeps snow out. It’s lined with insulation to keep little hands warm all day.
- Pigskin leather
- Remnant fabric back of hand: 100% polyester
- Brushed tricot polyester lining
- 220g back of hand,
- 100g palm Greenloft
- Leather pretreated with PFAS-free
- DWR for water resistant performance
- 10K/10K Waterproof lining
- Adjustable wrist strap and cinch for gaunlet